Jason Rappaport

President & CEO

About Jason

Working with computers since the third grade, Innovative's founder and current President and CEO, Jason has been in the IT industry for more than 20 years. He holds multiple technical certifications, including Comp TIA A+, Novell CNA, Microsoft MCP/MCSE, LifeSize Certified Sales Professional, and Cisco CCNA. As the Innovative team has grown Jason has been able to focus on higher-level strategy and Innovative’s overall trajectory – an experience that he has also been able to bring to his clients. He takes great pride in knowing they can rely on the company as a trusted advisor – no different than their attorney, insurance agent, banker, or accountant. Through interacting with clients, Jason can help them maximize their business ideas and achieve their goals while relieving the worries of technology systems. Relationships are vital to Jason. He loves connecting and relating with people and is always looking for ways to add value in one way or another to those around him.

Something you didn’t know…

He knows how to drive a forklift and farm tractor – something most people don’t expect out of a guy who has been in IT all of his life.

At the end of the day what deems us successful is the quality of our relationships, not our possessions, net worth or even our “mark on the world.” The relationships we cultivate with our friends and family are our true measures of success in life.
— J.L.R.